主题:Using Response Times and Response Accuracy to Measure Fluency Within Cognitive Diagnosis Models(基于作答反应时和项目作答的认知反应模型在检测能力流畅度的应用)
讲座时间:2021年4月24日 上午9:00-11:00
王诗宇,佐治亚大学教育心理系量化研究方向助理教授(https://people.coe.uga.edu/shiyu-wang/ )。本科就读于北京师范大学统计系,获得伊利诺伊大学香槟分校统计系博士。现在研究兴趣侧重于个性化测验和学习的研究,主要包括计算机自适应测试,多元化复杂行为数据的统计建模,包括 longitudinal data, 过程性数据 (process data, response time),文本数据 (text data) 和各种测验的学生作答数据。已在Psychomerika, Journal of Educational Measurement, Journal of Educational Behavior and Statistics和Multivariate Behavioral Research 等多个测量和统计顶级杂志发表多篇论文。获得2019IACAT early career researcher award and the 2020 Jason Millman Promising Measurement Scholar Award from the National Council on Measurement in Education.
In this talk, we offer a new sight on using both response times and response accuracy to measure fluency with cognitive diagnosis model framework. Mastery of a skill requires the ability to complete the task with not only accuracy but also fluency. Defining fluency as the highest level of a categorical latent attribute, a polytomous response accuracy model and two forms of response time models are proposed to infer fluency jointly. A Bayesian estimation approach is developed to calibrate the newly proposed models. These models were applied to analyze data collected from a spatial rotation test. Results demonstrate that compared with the traditional CDM that using response accuracy only, the proposed joint models were able to reveal more information regarding test takers’ spatial skills. A set of simulation studies were conducted to evaluate the accuracy of model estimation algorithm and illustrate the various degrees of model complexities.