Chapter One Introdution
1.Differences between general linguistics and descriptive linguistics.
2.The nature of language(s)
3.Scientific method in linguistics
common biases/the process of rule-construction
4.The goal of linguistics
5.The sub-=branches of linguistics
6.Saussure: the father of linguistics
three major distinctions;synchronic/diachronic;paradigmatic/syntagmatic;langue/parole
Chapter Two Phonetics
1.The sub-branches of phouetics
2.The names of speech organs; Figure 1,p.17
3.International Phonetic Alphabet
relationship between spellin and sound in English/advantages of IPA
4.Chassification of the English consonants
(1)the position of the soft palate;nasal/oral;
(2)the presence or the absence of vocal-cord vibration; voiceless/voiced;
(3)the place of articulation; bilabials/labiodentals/dentals/
(4)the manner of articulation:
5.Classification of the English vowels
(1)the state of the velum;oral/nasal;
(2)the position of the tongue;high-mid-low/front/central/back
(3)lip rounding;rounded/unrounded
(5)Phonetic features
Chapter Three Phonolgy
1.Importaet concepts
phoneme/phone/allophone:minimal pair/minial set
2.Identifying phonemes
(1)environment/distribution/contrastive distribution/complementary distribution/free variation
(2)principles;contrastive distribution-separate phonemes;free variation-phonetic variants;complementary distribution phonetically similar-phonetic variants.
(3)procedures; Figure 13,p.36
3.Sequential constraints
4.Distinctive fatures
5.suprasegemental features;
stress/tone and intonation/juncture
Chapter Four Morphology
2.Classifications of morphemes:
3.Identifying morphemes
(1)cutting sound sequences into morphs;comparison;
(2)grouping morphs into morphemes;semantically identical+complementary distribution-separate morphemes
(3)empty morph/zero morph
4.Morphemic analysis
(1)Immediate Constituent Analysis(JC analysis);
ultimate constituents/immediate constituents/constituents;
(2)principles of IC analysis;
meaningful relationship/morphological rules
5.Word-formation processes
(1)main processes; affixation/conversion/compounding;
(2)minor processes; blending/clipping/acronymy/back-formation
Chapter Five Syntax(I)
1.Three types of syntacic relations:
2.Identifying syntactic categories;
morphological and distributional features
3.Labeled IC analysis;
phrase marker/node; labeled brackets; complete/partial phrase marker
Chapter Six Syntax(II)
1.phrase structure rules(PS rules)/transformational rules(T-rules);
deep structure/surface structure
2.The PS rules for the sentences, noun phrases, verb phrases and auxiliary phrases
Chapter Seven Syntax(III)
1.Three kinds of operations performed by Trules; optional/compulsory transformations.
2.The structure of a T-rule: The structural description(SD)/the structural chnge(SC)
3.T-rules: T-affix/T-Passive/T-Agent-deletion/T-Negation/T-Do-insertion/T-Yes/No question/T-Reflexivization/T-Imperative
4.Ordering of transformations
(4)the manner of articulation:
5.Classification of the English vowels
(1)the state of the velum;oral/nasal;
(2)the position of the tongue;high-mid-low/front/central/back
(3)lip rounding;rounded/unrounded
(5)Phonetic features
Chapter Three Phonolgy
1.Importaet concepts
phoneme/phone/allophone:minimal pair/minial set
2.Identifying phonemes
(1)environment/distribution/contrastive distribution/complementary distribution/free variation
(2)principles;contrastive distribution-separate phonemes;free variation-phonetic variants;complementary distribution phonetically similar-phonetic variants.
(3)procedures; Figure 13,p.36
3.Sequential constraints
4.Distinctive fatures
5.suprasegemental features;
stress/tone and intonation/juncture
Chapter Four Morphology
2.Classifications of morphemes:
3.Identifying morphemes
(1)cutting sound sequences into morphs;comparison;
(2)grouping morphs into morphemes;semantically identical+complementary distribution-separate morphemes
(3)empty morph/zero morph
4.Morphemic analysis
(1)Immediate Constituent Analysis(JC analysis);
ultimate constituents/immediate constituents/constituents;
(2)principles of IC analysis;
meaningful relationship/morphological rules
5.Word-formation processes
(1)main processes; affixation/conversion/compounding;
(2)minor processes; blending/clipping/acronymy/back-formation
Chapter Five Syntax(I)
1.Three types of syntacic relations:
2.Identifying syntactic categories;
morphological and distributional features
3.Labeled IC analysis;
phrase marker/node; labeled brackets; complete/partial phrase marker
Chapter Six Syntax(II)
1.phrase structure rules(PS rules)/transformational rules(T-rules);
deep structure/surface structure
2.The PS rules for the sentences, noun phrases, verb phrases and auxiliary phrases
Chapter Seven Syntax(III)
1.Three kinds of operations performed by Trules; optional/compulsory transformations.
2.The structure of a T-rule: The structural description(SD)/the structural chnge(SC)
3.T-rules: T-affix/T-Passive/T-Agent-deletion/T-Negation/T-Do-insertion/T-Yes/No question/T-Reflexivization/T-Imperative
4.Ordering of transformations
I.Theory-oriented questions
1.Fill in the blanks
e.g.English phonetics has three sub branches , , .
2.Multiple-choice questions
e.g.Morpheme is defined as
(a)a meaningful unit
(b)a minimal unit
(c)a minimal meaningful grammatical unit
(d)a minimal meaningful unit
3.True or false questions
e.g. If two or more sounds can occur in the same environment, they are said to be in comple-mentary distribution. True False
4.Essay ype questios
e.g. How doesl angue differ from parole according to Saussure's view?
II.Practical work
Chapter Two: 6,9,10,12
Chapter Three:2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,13,14,15,
Chapter Four:6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14
Chapter Five:1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9
Chapter Six:2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
Chapter Seven.1,2,3,4,5,6,7
An Introduction to English Linguistics 南京师范大学外文系文秋芳编写
january 5,1990